Here's one that I ran across, that took a little while to resolve.
When Windows XP is booting up, the blue scrolling bar will lock-up or hang. The hard drive light will be off, and nothing will happen. No BSOD (Blue Screen of Death)
If you boot the computer into "Safe Mode", it boots fine. So, what's the problem and subsequent solution? Well, read on...
First, I would like to also point out that this computer has both VGA & DVI monitor ports with subsequent connectors on them, to two monitors.
Next, I found the monitor card's heat-sink butted up against a TV Tuner card.
Lastly, this was a older Sony VIAO tower (between 3-6 years, roughly)
What it ended up to be the issue, is that when the monitor card was switching the DVI port to a digital signal (in normal boot mode), the computer would lock. This was due to the GPU chip was EXTREMELY HOT! (burnt my fingers), thus damaging the digital circuitry on the card.
In "Safe Mode", the digital port was being used as an analog signal, thus normal operation.
I also noticed a tremendous amount of dust/dirt where the video card heat-sink fan baked onto the TV tuner card.
I did switch the monitor inputs to verify that the card was the culprit, in case you're wondering.
If I cloned the VGA to the DVI port, I would also get a display, but expanding the desktop to the DVI port monitor resulted in NO display.
So, the resolution was to replace the video card.
Hope this helps your particular situation. Thanks.
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